Tao     Hai     Yue


Tenna Alpine Tasting Menu

Art Intervention/installation, Table, Soil, Stones, Water jelly, Hay, Leaves, Berry jam, Biscuits, Potatoes, Milk, Butter, Chicken Stock, Glasses,  with Karolina Rupp & Alex Grünenfelder, Berghotel Alpenblick, Tenna, Switzerland
Documentary: Single channel DV-NTSC, color, 16:10 min

During a 10-day artist residency in Tenna, Switzerland, three artists, Tao Hai Yue, Karolina Rupp, and Alex Grünenfelder, worked together to create the Tenna Alpine Tasting event.

A menu for tasting the landscape of Tenna in nine site-specific courses:

  1. probiotic hand balm of pasture earth
  2. mountain spring water drops on a field of nasturtium shoots
  3. rowan berry essence on good-king-Henry herbage
  4. root vegetables smoked in bales of meadow hay
  5. cairn of flatbread baked on talus rock cobbles
  6. raw cow milk from the Alpkäserei Tenner Alp
  7. milk fat sublimated into butter ingot
  8. buttermilk precipitated from ingot
  9. farm fowl rendered into bouillon spirit

Exhibition: “Learning from the earth”, ART SAFIENTAL Biennale 2022, Switzerland

All rights reserved © Tao Hai Yue